TV segments as a guest on The PLACE on Fox 13:
Improving Mental Health Awareness
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis tells us how we can help improve Mental Health awareness. For more information from her, go here. 1 in 4 people will experience mental illness. Modern stress is changing our course of development. What used to be stress for survival consisted of intense but short-lived bursts of stress to keep us safe. […]
Become Who You Are: a guide for parents of teenage girls
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis shares ideas for parents to navigate the world of raising daughters. You can find more from her here. The best gift to ourselves or our daughters will be to work through developing a solid sense of self. Unfortunately, in our current society we are losing important developmental stages, middle and late childhood, […]
What parents should talk to their kids about to prevent child abuse
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis is helping us understand what you need to talk to your kids about to prevent child abuse. 1. Start Early, Building from Basic Safety Foundations to Body Safety Personal safety teaching follows from a continuum of every day safety skills. We teach our kids safety almost automatically on so many things, from […]
How to be happy with your body
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis visited the show to talk about how to be happy in your body. 1. Build Awareness of Social Psychology and Cultural Body Biases -Research has sadly but repeatedly shown that an ‘attractive’ person is automatically judged as being more confident, competent, intelligent, and more positively perceived in almost every way. What flows […]
How to spice up your love life
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis visited with some advice on how to spice up your sex life with your partner. Here is her advice: In marriage everything is foreplay: Intimacy = How naked are you outside of the bedroom? Love map of each other’s world (hopes, goals, dreams, disappointments) is as important as the love map […]
How to kick your bad habits
Marriage and family therapist Korinne Bouwhuis shared some tips for successfully kicking a bad habit and creating healthy, attainable goals. Positively Stated, Step-by-Step Goals Motivation Based on Self-Care & Acceptance Embrace Existing Habits, Let Them Benefit You Change Your Surroundings to Support Success All Progress Counts, Give Credit Where Credit Is Due For more information or […]
Presence vs. Presents
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis is talking about replacing Presents with Presence. ‘Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention.’ –unknown 1- Disconnect from Documenting -Live the experience fully instead. -If pictures are a must for you, get all the necessary ones up front so you can […]
How to keep your marriage healthy while raising small children
Licensed marriage and family therapist Korinne Bouwhuis shares tips on how to keep your marriage alive while raising small children. Maintain self-care and health practices as individuals. Avoid overinvesting as a parent Invest in connection with each other Defend and protect your relationship Choose in For more information, go here.
How to use positive psychology in your life
Therapist Korinne Bouwhuis shared easy ways to incorporate positive psychology into your life. Positive psychology is essentially the study of happiness. It`s all about the difference between surviving and thriving. Individuals can be surviving well, and often on the outward appearance of things are thriving, but they are not really flourishing fully. There are three categories […]
Getting through the holidays after losing a loved one
Korinne Bouwhuis, Marriage & Family therapist, gives us tips on getting through the holidays after losing a loved one. You can find more information here. 1- Plan Traditions Intentionally —-Discuss as a family, might be surprised what small things make a big difference and what big things really only make a small difference. Conserve your energy […]